Thursday, November 14, 2013


"Everyday I'm hustling, everyday I'm hustling..." 
Rick Ross has been chanting my everyday life for me. I couldn't word my life any better. Also hats off to Ricky Rosé for chanting about my uncle's former boss...Pablo (R.I.P to both).
Yesterday the French government made my F***ing day, they've invested in pimping my ride home !!!  

My daily journey from Versailles into Paris, has become a cosy experience. So Thank you. 
I know our government is hugely unloved, hence why I didn't even bother to vote. 
In fact it might be hats off to the Maire of Versailles (right wing), François De Mazière, for putting up this show. 
For once, I'm hoping that the freedom of expression will be tamed, and I'm happy my taxes are going into this beauty.
 I don't fancy reading puerile idiotic graffiti or tag names, specially that Versailles has plenty of room for freedom of expression, in their posh homes.

From now, I'll be cruising in the train, sitting as though I'm toasting with a fine Pomerol or a vintage Chateau Lafitte from Baron de Rothschild in Marie-Antoinette's salon.

"Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real"
Jules Vernes

Paris - I love you - The singer/composer Etienne Daho with a very very fine chick on the walls of Paris.

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